What is Helena Valley?

New to Helena Valley?

You can expect a friendly, laid back group of everyday people, who accept you as you are, no dress codes. We offer three types of gatherings, a traditional-style service, a modern gathering we call Discover, and small groups.

Discover Gathering

For those who prefer a worship experience that is casual, and real. Pastor Jeff will discuss the hard issues of life, what God’s Word says about them and how the 2 meet in daily life. Most importantly we will discover God’s love and plan for our lives.

Small Group Gatherings

These happen throughout the week and Sunday morning. They are for those who prefer meeting with a smaller group of people. They center around deeper discussions of life issues, in-depth study of the Bible, or simply getting together to do something fun and get to know people.

Traditional Helena Valley 

For those who love a traditional church service. We sing from a hymn book and Pastor Jeff teaches a message from the King James Bible. This gathering is set to begin in the fall.

What about Kids?

We are family friendly and don’t mind babies and little ones in the service. However, if you’d like, child care is available and we also have kids church for the older ones.





One Last Thing

Please be patient, renovations are underway.